Jowbr Driver

by Jowbr



Jowber driver application: -Is an application that connects the service provider and the customer directly and can individual driver and institutions and transport companies to register it and works to guide vehicles professionally and modern means and a qualitative leap in the field of delivery of goods in the Kingdom and the individual driver can register directly and for companies and transport institutions must establish their own control panel and registration Drivers of the company choose the account of the driver of the company or institution through the application to enter the commercial register and be accepted in the case that the company and the institution is already registered with the application management- Application features for companies and institutions to get campaigns from all over the Kingdom through the application and follow-up their vehicles and know the material returns for each car through its own control panel. It also helps to reduce the operating expenses of the vehicle- Application features for the individual driver Be the manager yourself and drive your car. Earn money when you want. And control your income. Start driving on time. Drive your car and earn income.